Zabbix is a network monitoring system created by Alexei Vladishev. It Is designed to monitor and record the status of various network services, servers, and network hardware.

Released on the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License, Zabbix is Free Software.

You can use MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle or IBM DB2 as a database.

Zabbix offers several monitoring options:

  • Simple Checkups that can verify the availability and response level of standard services such as SMTP or HTTP without the need to install any software on the monitored host.
  • A Zabbix agent can also be Installed on UNIX and Windows machines to MONITOR statistics such as CPU load, network utilization, disk space, etc.
  • As an alternative to installing the agent on the host, Zabbix includes support for monitoring via SNMP, TCP and ICMP protocols, as well AS on IPMI, JMX, SSH, telnet and using custom configuration parameters. Zabbix supports a variety of real-time notification mechanisms, including XMPP.

There Are Several reasons to choose Zabbix about your competitors.

  • Zabbix offers the freedom to use an open source tool without relying on a vendor and with easy access to the source code. This includes not only Zabbix itself, but also the other required components (Linux, Apache, MySQL/PostgreSQL, PHP).
  • The configuration of Zabbix is quite simple, which guarantees a low learning curve and, therefore, a low cost of ownership.
  • Zabbix’s highly efficient agents for UNIX-and Windows-based platforms (x32, x64, Itanium) offer broader and faster monitoring capabilities.
  • A centralized monitoring system allows to store all information (configuration and performance data) in a relational database to facilitate data processing and reuse.
  • Rich visualization capabilities enable you to work with your data more quickly and intelligently.
  • The built-in cleaning procedures allow you to keep your data well organized.

From GPS We can configure the monitoring of your systems, from the implantation of the tool to the configuration of thresholds to generate alerts and send them by different means, and personalization of the elements that you want to monitor.